People of Marrakech #04 [en]

Ayoub weaving life What comes to your mind when you close your eyes and think of Marrakech? This is what I see: the stoic patience of the donkeys, colorful and long robes, exotic odors and sacks of spices, the music of the Gnaoua, mountains of leather skins in a backyard, …

People of Marrakech #03 [en]

Having tea with friends This moring, shortly after sunrise. Half an hour from Marrakech, the Atlas mountains on the horizon, closed to the dried out “Oued Tensift” river. There is a smell of chicken shit in the air and somebody burns plastics nearby. This f…cking hotel really is in the …

People of Marrakech #02 [en]

A clean cut at midnight On my last evening in Marrakech, I came by this barber. Although it was already midnight, he still was busy with some paper work. The street in the Medina was still crowded and some old men were sitting in front of his shop. A barber …

Eines Morgens, nicht weit von Marrakesch

Heute Morgen, kurz nach Sonnenaufgang. Eine halbe Stunde ausserhalb von Marrakesch, Blick auf den Hohen Atlas, am ausgetrockneten Flussbett vom “Oued Tensift”. Überall stinkt es nach Hühnerkacke, jemand verbrennt Plastik. Ich kann es nicht glauben, aber dieses verfickte Hotel ist wirklich am Arsch der Welt. Ich gehe raus. Fünf Meter …